My intervention was a kind of dream like performance realized during the night in total darkness and with only two self-made "tools" made of bamboo sticks and charcoals. Having troubles spleeping, I made a big black drawing on the ceiling that was inspired by an illustration i found inside an old edition of the book by Jules Verne "Autour de la Lune"...

Courtesy the artist and Gaff - Milano
Photo: Filippo Armellini"/> META - Davide Bertocchi - Autour de la lune (the couch project)
Davide Bertocchi

Davide Bertocchi


Davide Bertocchi a étudié aux Beaux Arts de Bologne puis il a complété son post diplôme aux beaux arts de Nantes sous la direction de Robert Fleck, Stéphanie Moisdon et Philipe Lepeut. En 2000 il est choisi avec 10 autres artistes italiens  pour le « Studio Program » du PS1-MoMa à New York. Il résidera ensuite à la Villa Arson à Nice puis au Pavillon du Palais de Tokyo à Paris et exposera à l’international. Il crée des installations sonores, des vidéos et des sculptures qui font référence aux mythes pseudo-scientifiques comme la disparition de l’énergie ou le mouvement des informations. La musique et le son ont une place importante dans son travail.

Autour de la lune (the couch project) (2014)

Charcoal drawing on ceiling, bamboo sticks, book.
variable dimensions

I was the first one of a series of artists to be invited in Fabio Farnè's space in Milan. The space is called GAFF and the owner invites artists to sleep over this white leather couch and to produce a specific work for the room. The overall project is called "The couch project".
My intervention was a kind of dream like performance realized during the night in total darkness and with only two self-made "tools" made of bamboo sticks and charcoals. Having troubles spleeping, I made a big black drawing on the ceiling that was inspired by an illustration i found inside an old edition of the book by Jules Verne "Autour de la Lune"...

Courtesy the artist and Gaff - Milano
Photo: Filippo Armellini

Thème : Arts plastiques
My intervention was a kind of dream like performance realized during the night in total darkness and with only two self-made "tools" made of bamboo sticks and charcoals. Having troubles spleeping, I made a big black drawing on the ceiling that was inspired by an illustration i found inside an old edition of the book by Jules Verne "Autour de la Lune"...

Courtesy the artist and Gaff - Milano
Photo: Filippo Armellini"/> META - Davide Bertocchi - Autour de la lune (the couch project) - overall view