Davide Bertocchi

Davide Bertocchi



Davide Bertocchi a étudié aux Beaux Arts de Bologne puis il a complété son post diplôme aux beaux arts de Nantes sous la direction de Robert Fleck, Stéphanie Moisdon et Philipe Lepeut. En 2000 il est choisi avec 10 autres artistes italiens  pour le « Studio Program » du PS1-MoMa à New York. Il résidera ensuite à la Villa Arson à Nice puis au Pavillon du Palais de Tokyo à Paris et exposera à l’international. Il crée des installations sonores, des vidéos et des sculptures qui font référence aux mythes pseudo-scientifiques comme la disparition de l’énergie ou le mouvement des informations. La musique et le son ont une place importante dans son travail.
  • 1 - Autoritratto Modenese (installation view)
    Autoritratto Modenese (installation view)
  • 2 - Autoritratto Modenese (close-up)
    Autoritratto Modenese (close-up)


This installation is composed of 5 big stones, a static element lacking in life, in which, the artist identifies the years of his life in the Italian province. Each stone is equipped with headphones playing a song at the maximum volume which is associated with a particular state of mind in the period between the Eighty’s and beginning of the Ninety’s. It was the moment when music, with all its styles and tendencies, became for many people a fundamental element of daily life, and even their salvation. The songs diffused all together in the space by the headphones are transformed into a cacophonous, indistinguishible sound, pure energy that seems to want to transform the immobile stone into a living thing. The songs are: Just Can't Get Enough - Depeche Mode Profondo Rosso - Goblin Love Like Blood - Killing Joke Death Or Glory - The Clash The World Keeps Turning - Napalm Death.

Installation view at Galleria Civica, Modena. Italy

Thème : Arts plastiques
META - Davide Bertocchi - Autoritratto Modenese - Autoritratto Modenese (close-up)